The overall growth and health of the baby after birth depends primarily on the nutritional status and health parameters of the mother throughout pregnancy and even before the antenatal period. Infact there have been researches and recommendations suggesting that the nutritional status of a mother right from her own adolescence has a major role to play in the future pregnancies. Also health of a mother during her pregnancy and the kind of food she consumes while carrying a female baby has a profound effect on the baby’s future reproductive functions as well as nutritional status throughout her own adult life.

Considering all above facts, it is prudent that every pregnant patient be encouraged and emphasized the importance and accuracy of what she feeds her ownself and the fetus. The family members and partner should be supportive and motivated in the same. Sheer availability of food with preservatives and increased shelf life must be considered a big NO in pregnancy as they are devoid of all essential nutrients.

We, at Padma hospital, actively encourage the couple and their family into mindful eating, thereby ensuring healthy growth of baby, on the other hand preventing gestational diabetes and pregnancy induced hypertension at the same time. Excessive use of salt, refined foods, oil and starch is discouraged. We educate couples to eat more local, fresher, seasonal foods. They are also educated about what to avoid completely and what to consume in limited quantities based to their individual pregnancy course.

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